General Information
The "General Information" section provides essential details about the company associated with the account.
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The "General Information" section provides essential details about the company associated with the account.
Last updated
General Information:
Company Name: This field displays the name of the company. Users with appropriate permissions can edit this field as needed. The company name is important for identification purposes and appears in various contexts within the platform.
Total User Licenses: This section indicates the number of user licenses allocated to the company. User licenses determine the number of individuals who can access and utilize the platform within the company's account. Depending on the subscription or licensing model, the number of user licenses may vary. Users with administrative privileges typically manage and allocate these licenses within the system.
Speech to Text: This checkbox allows you to configure if you would like to allow users to be able to use text to speech. By default turned off. (Note: this function is using speech to text webapi through your default browser to execute and may not comply with company security policy)
Editing Company Name: To edit the company name, click on the editable field and input the desired name. Ensure the new name accurately reflects the company's identity.
Managing User Licenses: User licenses are finite resources allocated to the company. Administrators can manage these licenses by adding or removing users as needed. It's crucial to monitor license usage to ensure compliance with the company's subscription plan and avoid overages or underutilization. If you need to increase you license amount contact
Best Practices
Accurate Company Name: Keep the company name updated to reflect any changes in the organization's branding or legal entity.
Optimizing License Allocation: Regularly review user licenses to reallocate them based on evolving organizational needs. Remove licenses from inactive users and assign them to new team members to maximize resource utilization.
Monitoring Usage: Maintain awareness of license usage trends to anticipate future needs accurately. Consider upgrading or adjusting subscription plans to accommodate growing user counts or changing usage patterns.
Security Considerations
Ensure that only authorized personnel have access to manage company information and user licenses. Protect sensitive data related to the company's identity and subscription details from unauthorized access or modification.
Company Admin Privileges: Please note that only users with company admin privileges can access the admin panel and manage company settings.