Custom APIs

This section provides step-by-step instructions for accessing the Custom APIs section of the platform. Learn how to create, edit, and delete custom APIs.

Accessing Custom APIs:

To access your custom APIs in our application, follow these steps:

  1. Navigating to the Custom API Section:

    • Log in to the admin panel using your credentials.

    • Look for the "Custom APIs" tab in the menu bar or navigation panel. It should be the third section you see when opening the admin panel.

  2. Viewing Custom APIs:

    • Upon accessing the custom API section, you will be presented with a list of APIs registered in the system.

    • The list will include API name and function description.

  3. Filtering APIs:

    • Use the filtering options to narrow down the list of APIs, if necessary, to help locate the one you are looking for.

  4. Viewing Custom API Details:

    • Click on the API name to view detailed information in the Custom API editing panel.

Note: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access and manage APIs. Exercise caution when performing actions that affect user accounts to avoid unintended consequences.

Additional Information:

  • Company Admin Privileges: Please note that only users with company admin privileges can access the admin panel and manage custom APIs.

Last updated