Zoom Transcripts
In order to set up zoom Oauth2 you need to run the following steps.
Last updated
In order to set up zoom Oauth2 you need to run the following steps.
Last updated
Please note that only the person who has access to the zoom transcripts will be able to login and retrieve zoom transripts. The conversation must be recorded and close captions must be enabled. Please see zoom documentation for details.
Upgrade to at least the 3.5_beta version and above
Create a Zoom webapp in the Zoom marketplace https://marketplace.zoom.us/
In the upper right click Develop >> Build App
Select General APP
Set the OAuth redirect to https://[Your Domain]/callback/Zoom
Add the following Scopes
Download the powershell script and run in your azure cloudshell environment
You will be prompted for the KeyStore name associated with AI Risk
This will create all of the keys nessesary to connect your application
Finally Restart your frontend server for AI Risk. https://portal.azure.com/#browse/Microsoft.Web%2Fsites
Now in every agent you will see the option in the data functions window for Zoom Transcripts
Next you will be asked for the ClientID and Secret from the zoom appplication that you created in the first step.