V2.103 June 1

Our latest version brings a whole host of new improvements from our first release some highlights include Streaming Results, OpenAI V2 API, Custom API and Database Configurations and Speech To Text.

  • (Feature) HTML Formatting of response from agent

  • (Bug Fix) Copy and Paste preserves line breaks

  • (Bug Fix) Configure timeout values for disconnection to the server fixed

  • (Bug Fix) Inviting user loses default agent and groups (Internal Deployment Only)

  • (Bug Fix) Lingering Text in chat after clicking enter button

  • (Feature) Requirement for redis cache no longer required (Internal Deployment Only)

  • (Feature) Search bar for agent selection

  • (Feature) API connection to any API (Internal Deployment Only)

  • (Feature) Database Connections to SQL Server Databases (Internal Deployment Only)

  • (Bug) Switching Agents causing reload error

  • (Feature) Power User ability for simple agent creation

  • (Feature) Openai Azure V2 api for Vector Store of files

  • (Bug Fix) User invite link not displaying correctly

  • (Feature) All links in conversations are now clickable

  • (Bug Fix) Cashed values for Javascript causing issue on intial load of new users

  • (Bug Fix) Renaming of conversations button does not dissapear

  • (Feature) Customzation of Greeting when configuring agent

  • (Bug Fix) Added validation to Invite user

  • (Feature) Agent creation and modification now has save and cancel buttons

  • (Feature) Speech to text integration for chat

  • (Feature) Gracefully handeling the disconnect by the client for timeout.

  • (Bug Fix) Better warning for maximum message size being 200K characters

  • (Bug Fix) Disconnect of server on max message size reached.

  • (Feature) Allow IP Address ranges to restrict Geo Location

  • (Bug Fix) CSS Cache issue on new changes fixed.

  • (Feature) New Dashboard Item of Estimated Agent Cost by user

Last updated